Greg Violi is a spiritual Father and counselor that speaks internationally.
His desire is to see the living Christ revealed within a people. He loves to see marriages healed and families restored.
He has witnessed hundreds of marriages transformed; and many men healed and set free from all the affects of misogyny. As you listen to his messages and read his books; you will find restoration, healing and transformation.
Also you will discover a CHRIST that is alive and yearning to live inside of
anyone that will ask Him.

For all of my life, my sisters and I have grown up in an atmosphere of heaven, love, and reality. My Father has from the day my older sister Was born had a passion for us to love each other. He demonstrated humility and the importance of attitude and how love is number one when it comes to priorities, we saw him treat our mother with true love and kindness in his words toward her. My parents have chosen to lay down their lives for the kingdom, they have paid a great price, and we are all greatly blessed because of this. All of his books are not only teachings but reality. To this day, my sisters and I live Miles away but greatly love and appreciate each other. There is a part of a Song, "All my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so so good" we thank God for His grace that has made this happen!
This is our family, my father, mother, sisters and their Families.
His daughter-
Jean Violi/Willoughby
