If you would like give a love offering directly to Greg Violi, you are more than welcome to! He travels and has conferences that inspire the family of God. Here in Germany we see many transformed lives and the furthering of the Kingdom.
See the Vision

If You would like to give to Greg Violi's Paypal. You can do here-

Greg Violi
IBAN: DE15 4829 1490 0200 7599 00

If you make a CHECK out to Greg Violi
Here is the address in America.
711 Arch St.
Salem, Ohio 44460
Our vision as The Resting Place is to make the invisible Kingdom of our God and Father visible through prayer, unity and actively demonstrating His pure love in all aspects of life: daily lifestyle, business, marriage, family and worship. It is our sincere intention that the nature and power of our Heavenly Father is released through our corporate life of sacrificial love ! Some of these avenues will be housing for the elderly and children with the purpose of healing their hearts minds and bodies. Our multi business complex will also release the presence of a Heavenly Father that cares for his creation.